Friday, September 9, 2011

MET-Rx Meal Replacement Drink Mix 40pk

Lately, it seems like less and less companies are producing Meal Replacement Powders (MRP's). Fortunately, MET-Rx is still growing strong with their MET-Rx Meal Replacement Drink Mix. It has been around for a very long time and is still just as popular as ever.

From the manufacturer: The MET-Rx brand was started with one product, the "Meal Replacement." It was the first meal replacement powder (MRP) comprised of a blend of both fast- and slow-absorbing proteins, which provide its anabolic and anti-catabolic properties.

MET-Rx Meal Replacement Drink Mix includes a proprietary blend of proteins that includes milk, whey and egg white proteins. This combination provides the essential amino acids needed to feed your body. MET-Rx Meal Replacement is the product that serves as the foundation to help meet the needs of those seeking to build lean body mass or strength, endurance, lose weight, or to simply maintain fitness.

To read more about MET-Rx Meal Replacement Drink Mix or make a purchase, please visit our website at

Until Next Time,

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